Sunday 18 October 2015


Just fresh from NEW COMRADES FORUM on  facebook

Barely weeks after a UoN student, Eng. George Ouma innovated mobile auto charging system device; another UoN third year electrical student, Juma Phelix Omondi(photo below), developed a networking site called VoSpine.
How it works.
On signing up on VoSpine, a user is required to join channels of his/her interest to start experiencing it. Whether interested in business, fashion, health, technology or name them, you can all find them in this platform.
There are two main categories of channels:
• General Channels and,
• Scholar Channels.
Scholar channels majorly includes students and other scholars in particular fields. Within these channels, the scholars have a good environment where they can share their experiences with fellow scholars across the world.
While General Channels are open to everyone, irrespective of their professional or educational fields.
All information sharing is done within channels and so without joining channels there is no interactions for you. Remember the Information within channels is public and visible to all VoSpine users, however, non-members can only read while members can read as well as add posts and comments. Also users are allowed to join as many channels as possible.
Currently there are 1,500 users, majority being students from the
University of Nairobi.
The Equity Bank CEO Dr. James Mwangi, The most influential student leader Babu Owino and yours truly(Read Philip Nyamai) are amongst the prominent personalities who have joined this networking site. You too can join VoSpine today through on all browsers except opera mini.
It is indeed humbling to be at The University of Nairobi, the institution of innovators.
Congratulations my nephew Omondi Phelix Juma. Success!
top comments from Facebook
Senior Counsel Jeams Amimoh
Senior Counsel Jeams Amimoh Alafu NTV news bado ni the cause of the fire is unknown.. lets unite against Nation media and negative media against UoN.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs
Joe Kapchanga
George Eng Ouma
George Eng Ouma Engineering students are overworking. Congratulations Phelix am signing in now!!!
Eli Kevin

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